01 Aug Tachograph reading
Mandatory download of tachograph and driver card data? We can!
If you monitor your vehicles in Positrex using our VehicleTracker GPS unit, we now offer a service to download vehicle traffic data from the tachograph and driver cards remotely, automatically without the need for human intervention. The generated .DDD files with the required data are saved in the appropriate folder on your computer and you have your legal obligation taken care of. ✅
No more bypassing vehicles!
Press the SUBMIT button to download the data at the earliest possible time for the relevant vehicle or driver. When you request a data download, LEVEL Tacho Reader waits until the vehicle is in motion (download condition), connects directly to the unit in the vehicle via the communication tunnel and forwards the download request. After authorization of the request with the company card, the requested data is downloaded.
Save time and avoid fines!
The obligation to download data from the digital tachograph and the driver card stems from the EU Commission Regulation No 581/2010 setting maximum time periods for downloading the relevant data from the in-vehicle device and the driver card. It is necessary to download data from the driver card every 28 days, as well as to download data from the vehicle tachograph every 90 days.
How does it work and what do you need to do it?
The tachograph download solution requires a Vehicle Tracker unit to be permanently installed in the vehicle along with the Tachoreader module. We will set up a communication tunnel to the GPS units in your vehicles at the monitoring center. You will install the LEVEL Tacho Reader software on your PC and connect the “smart” card reader. A company card will be permanently inserted in the device, which will authorize the request to download data from the tachograph and driver cards. LEVEL Tacho Reader will connect to Positrex via the tunnel and display a list of vehicles and drivers with the date of the last data download.