LUE231023 Intelligent Rail Freight Wagon - TIARA

Sub-programme: INTER-EUREKA (LUE231)
Implementation period: 2024 – 2026
Provider: Czech Republic – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

The project TIARA – Intelligent Rail Freight Car addresses the equipping of the rail car with telematic and sensor functions.
Within this project, a complex solution for monitoring the operational parameters of railway carriages will be created, which will consist of wireless sensors for monitoring the operational parameters of the carriage, a central telematic unit providing communication between the sensors and a software part of the solution designed for collecting and evaluating data from the sensors and their display and archiving, as well as for receiving notifications from the sensors and displaying alarm conditions.

Wagon 5G Communication Unit

Program: TREND, 8.
public competition
Implementation period: June 2023 – December 2025
Maximum amount of aid: CZK 7 345 186
Provider: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR)

Industrial research of a wagon communication unit using 5G technology and experimental development of a Positrex))) 5G application for online bi-directional communication between the application and the wagon 5G communication unit and connected sensors and actuators.

This project Wagon 5G Communication Unit is co-financed with the state support of the Czech Technology Agency within the TREND Programme, 8th public competition. This project was funded under the National Recovery Plan from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Horizon 2020 - SME - Phase 1 (AxleRing)

The project is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no.

Program: Horizon 2020 | SME Instruments | Phase 1
Implementation period: June 2019 – November 2021
Requested subsidy: 50.000 EUR
Document: Seal of Excellence Certificate

The aim of this project, which belongs to TRL 6, is to design a process to introduce AxleRing to international markets.
The feasibility study is aimed at assessing go-to-market options, extending legal protection and updating the business plan.
The AxleRing project aims to achieve an annual turnover of EUR 45 million by the end of 2021.
The project is a strategic initiative to grow and transform the company from an innovation-driven entity to a market-oriented SME with an expanding business model based on partnerships.
The objective of
Phase 1 of the project is thus to test the feasibility of scaling up the AxleRing concept for commercialisation and to bring this breakthrough innovation to European and North American markets, e.g.
through financing
SMEI Phase 2.

Innovation vouchers - VI.<br /> Call for proposals (01_20_358) | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020 (Conformity assessment of the TotalFinder TF 200 product for use in hazardous environments)

Program: Innovation vouchers – VI.
Call (01_20_358) | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020
Implementation period: October 2020 – September 2021
Requested subsidy: 127 500 CZK

The aim of the project is to assess the conformity of the Total FInder TF 200 GPS unit and EU type testing according to the standards ČSN EN IEC 60079-0:2018 and ČSN EN 60079-11:2012 by an authorized testing laboratory authorized for these types of tests.

Innovation vouchers - Call IV (01_18_215) | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020 (GPS unit tests)

Program: Innovation Vouchers – Call IV (01_18_215) | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020
Implementation period: April 2020 – February 2021
Requested subsidy: 296 258 CZK

The aim of the project is to carry out tests of GPS units with the type designation VehicleTracker, TotalFinder and AxleRing and to assess the conformity leading to the release of the product for operation on railways by an authorised testing laboratory authorised to test products.

The results of these tests will then be described in measurement protocols or technical reports and will also form the basis for further development of GPS units or for the implementation of operational verification and test operation.

Applications - Call VII (01_19_262) | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020

Program: Applications – Call VII (01_19_262) | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020 (OP PIK)
Implementation period: April 2020 – December 2022
Requested subsidy: 9 969 433 CZK

The aim of the project implementation and its application in practice is to increase the efficiency, safety, sustainability and reliability of rail freight transport and to contribute to the competitiveness of rail transport and thus to the organisations using this transport.
The implementation of the project will have a multiplier effect, where the applicant will create a competitive advantage for the entity that will be the first in the world to come up with a solution for comprehensive monitoring and telemetry of technical parameters and operational conditions of a freight railway wagon and its cargo from IoT sensors communicating with a system that processes data from these sensors through a central communication unit.

The project includes experimental software development (web application and mobile application) and industrial research of hardware – IoT sensors designed for sensing states and quantities from a railway freight car.

Marketing - Call III | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020

Program: Marketing – Call III | Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP PIK)
Implementation period: May 2018 – December 2019
Requested subsidy: 285 750 CZK

Monitoring system Positrex)))) and GPS units for monitoring, guarding and telemetry in rail freight transport, rail passenger transport and container transport.

The aim of this project is to reach potential customers and resellers (partners) from all over the world with the current TotalFinder product, the new completely unique AxleRing product and the new features of the Positrex monitoring system ))) especially for rail and container transport.
We expect to find interested parties and subsequently enter into business partnerships with selected companies and establish a worldwide sales network for these products and services.

In the course of the project, we will mainly participate in two industry-focused exhibitions INNOTRANS 2018 Berlin and Transport & Logistics 2019 Munich.
In addition, we will publish new promotional materials such as leaflets, brochures, catalogues and product sheets to support the effectiveness of this campaign.

Marketing - Call I | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020

Program: Marketing – Call I | Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP PIK)
Implementation period: October 2015 – May 2017
Requested subsidy: 837 505 CZK

Expansion of Positrex’s network of partners for the rail and container segments by promoting products at international trade fairs and exhibitions.

The aim of the project is to reach potential customers and resellers from all over the world with the new and unique GC092 TotalFinder product and the new features of the Positrex monitoring system for rail and container transport.
We expect to find interested parties and subsequently enter into business partnerships with selected companies and establish a worldwide sales network for these products and services.

In the course of the project, we will mainly participate in four industry-focused exhibitions.
In addition, we will publish new promotional materials such as a company brochure, product sheets and brochures to support the effectiveness of this campaign.
We will also restructure and update the company’s website for the purpose of the project.
In social media and online campaigns, we will always organize a preparatory familiarization campaign prior to the start of the exhibition, which will help to familiarize a wider range of potential buyers with our products and encourage higher attendance at a given trade fair.

GITEX 2015 Dubai
INNOTRANS 2016 Berlin
GITEX 2016 Dubai
Transport & Logistics 2017 Munich

Innovation Vouchers - Call III | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020 (TotalFinder)

Program: Innovation Vouchers – Call III | Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP PIK)
Implementation period: March 2018 – February 2019
Requested subsidy: 78 750 CZK

Total Finder GC 092 26A conformity assessment and certification.

The subject of the service, for which the funding is requested, is the assessment of the conformity of the GPS unit GC 092 26A according to Act No.90/2016 Coll., as amended, on technical requirements for products and according to Government Regulation No.116/2916 Coll., as amended, laying down technical requirements for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, with subsequent ATEX certification with an EU Type Examination Certificate.

The assessment of conformity of the GPS unit GC 092 26A for use in hazardous environments, with subsequent ATEX certification with the EU Type Examination Certificate will enable the Applicant for this GPS unit with a unique technical solution consisting in autonomous power supply and implementation of a system for optimizing the use of electrical energy from the built-in source to start serial production of this GPS unit and to start its sale both in the Czech Republic and in other EU countries, thus satisfying customer demand for this type of equipment.
At the same time, the verification of the design principles and electrical wiring of the type of GPS unit under consideration and its conformity for use in hazardous environments will enable the Applicant to translate these verified design and construction principles into the development of other types of GPS and telemetry units, for example for use in rail transport, hazardous cargo logistics and other specific fields of transport and industry.

Innovation Vouchers - Call III | OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020 (AxleRing)

Program: Innovation Vouchers – Call III | Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP PIK)
Implementation period: August 2018 – January 2019
Requested subsidy: 299 250 CZK

Testing of the GC 097 AxleRing GPS unit with AxleSensor accessories and testing leading to the release of the product for operation on the railway.

The subject of the service for which the subsidy is requested is the testing of the GPS unit GC 097 AxleRing with AxleSensor accessories, specifically for the first phase of testing and testing leading to the release of the product for operation on railways, by an authorised testing laboratory authorised to test products intended for operation on railways.
The results of these tests will then be described in measurement protocols or technical reports and will be the basis for further development of the AxleRing GC097 product with AxleSensor accessories or for the implementation of performance verification and test operation.

The testing and subsequent test operation of the GC 097 AxleRing GPS unit with AxleSensor accessories for use in rail transport and the subsequent approval of the product for operation on railways will enable the Applicant to start serial production of this GPS unit and thus satisfy customer demand for this type of equipment.
At the same time, the verification of the design principles and electrical wiring of the type of GPS unit under consideration and its conformity for use in rail transport will enable the Applicant to translate these verified design and construction principles into the development of other types of GPS and telemetry units, in particular for use in rail passenger and freight transport, in rail logistics, or in other specific fields of transport and industry.